Saved By A Story-Teller

Memory is that faculty that enables us to recall past feelings, sights, sounds, and experiences. By that process, events are recorded, stored, and preserved in our brain to be brought back again and again.

Memories can be blessings – full of comfort, assurance, and joy. Old age can be happy and satisfying if we have stored up memories of purity, faith, fellowship, and love.

Memory can also be a curse and a tormentor. Many people as they approach the end of life would give all they possess to erase from their minds the past sins that haunt them.

What can a person do who is plagued by such remembrances? Just one thing.

This blog serves you with the one thing that needs to be done to keep you living.

Always keep a date with the story-teller, he’ll not only change, but will really save your life!!!

Green Light

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Tuesday 5 May 2009


Success has both mother and father, only failure is an orphan. The true believer in Christ is empowered to succeed in every area of his/her life and as such has entered into a period of outstanding fruitfulness. The period of outstanding fruitfulness is a time of taking root downward and bearing fruit upward (Isa.37:30-32). It is a period of raising up the fallen tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11).

Fruitfulness is God's original plan for man (Gen.1:28). Jesus Christ expects every vine that is planted in His vineyard to bear fruit, otherwise it is near being cursed (Mk.11:12-14; Mt.3:8, 12). God does not tolerate any form of unfruitfulness in life of His children (2Pt.1:8).

When we talk of outstanding fruitfulness, we mean that which does not have comparison, i.e. it is something great, notable, one of its kind.

SPIRITUAL ASPECT OF FRUITFULNESS (2Pet.1:3-8; Matt.3:8; Col.1:10; PhiI.1:11; 4:17): Genuine repentance is the foundation to spiritual fruitfulness (Matt.3:8). Genuine repentance will be accompanied by the fruit of righteousness
(Mt.23:23; Lk.3:10-14; Acts 26:20). True saving faith and conversion must become evident through lives that have forsaken sin and bear godly fruit (Jn.15:16). All Christians are chosen "out of the world" (Jn.15:19) to bear fruit (Jn.15:2, 4-5, 8). This fruit bearing refers to:
(a). Spiritual virtues; such as the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23), namely love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control (Eph.5:9; Col. 1:6; Heb.12:11; Jam. 3:18).
(b). Working for the conversion of others to Christ (Jn.4:36; 12:24). Those who claim they believe in Christ and are God's children and yet do not live lives that produce good fruit are fakes and are like trees that will be cut down and thrown into the fire (Mtt.3:8-10, 12).

PHYSICAL AND MATERIAL ASPECT OF FRUITFULNESS (Gen.1:28; Deut. 28:4-13; Gen. 26:12): It is God's will that we should be fruitful, not only in spiritual issues but in other aspects of life (3Jn.2). God charged mall to be fruitful and to subdue (conquer) tile Earth at the inception of man's life (Gen.1:28). God expects man to make the best out of all He has given to mall and to fulfill His purpose by mall (Ps.8:6-8; Heb.2:7-9). The Earth and its future were placed under the dominion of mall but man lost out when he sinned (Gen. 3:l4-24; Rom.8:19-22). Jesus came to restore the fruitfulness of man on earth (2Cor.8:9; Rom.8:19-25; 1Cor.15:24-28). God wants us to be materially fruitful (Dt.28:4-13). He wants us to be physically healthy (Ex.15:26). God hates every form of barrenness (Ex.23:25-27; Dt.7:12-15). God wants us to be spiritually, physically, materially fruitful, even to our old age (Ps.92:13-14). Every tree that is truly planted by the court of our God is evidenced by its fruitfulness (Eze.47:12; Ps.1:3). The Lord wants us to break-forth on all sides this period (Isa.54:1-4; 55:5).

Fruitfulness is a phenomenon desired by all people, businessmen, pastors, farmers, students, etc., who want to be fruitful and fulfilling. No person wants to be unfruitful or barren, yet we still see barren people in every field of life (2 Pet.1:38). What is the cause?

Ø Contact With The Living Water (Ps.1:3; Ezek. 47:7-9): When the scripture says, ‘whatever he does shall prosper’, it does not mean, immunity from failure or difficulties, nor is it a guarantee of health, wealth and happiness. What this Bible passage means by prosperity is this: when we apply Gods wisdom, the fruit (result or by-products) we bear will be good and receives God's approval. Just as a tree soaks up water and bears luscious fruit, we also are to soak up God's word producing actions and attitudes that honour God to achieve anything worthwhile. We must have God's word in our hearts (Josh. 1:8). Failure to do this brings unfruitfulness.

Ø Spiritual Receptivity (Mtt.13:23): The scripture used four types of soil to represent different responses to God's word. People respond differently because they are in different state of readiness. Some are hardened, others are shallow, others are contaminated by distracting worries, and some are receptive. The receptive ones are those that bear OUTSTANDING fruit (Matt. 13:18-23). How has God's word taken root in your life? What kind of soil are you? Your level of receptivity to God's word determines your level of fruitfulness or otherwise.

Ø Death Of Old Life (Jn.12:24): The way to fruitfulness is the way of suffering and death. Unless a grain of mustard is buried in the ground, it will not become a blade of wheat producing many more seeds. Jesus had to die not only to pay the penalty for our sin, but also to show His power over death. His resurrection proves He has eternal life. Because Jesus is God, Jesus can give eternal life to all who believe in Him. The kernel must perish as a kernel if there is to be a plant.

Ø Chastening Or Pruning (Jn.15:2): Jesus speaks of two categories of branches, the fruitful and the fruitless. The branches that ceased to bear fruit are those who no longer have the life in them that comes from enduring faith in and love for Christ. These "branches", the Father cuts off, i.e. separates them from vital union with Christ (Mt.3:10). When they stop remaining in Christ, God then judges and reject them (Jn. 15:6). The branches that bear fruit are those who have life in them because of their enduring faith in and love for Christ. "Those branches", the Father prunes so that they will become more fruitful, that is, He removes from their lives anything that diverts or hinders the vital life flow of Christ into them. The fruit is the quality of Christians’ character that brings glory to God through life and witness (Mt. 3:8; 7:20; Rom. 6:22; Gal.5:22-23; Eph. 5:9; 1:11).

Ø Abiding In Christ (Jn.15:4-5; Rom.6:22; Heb.12:11): After a person believes in Christ and his sins are forgiven, he or she receives eternal life and the power to remain in Christ. Given that power, the believer must then accept that responsibility in salvation and remain in Christ. Just as the branch has life only as it remains in or abides in the tree, so are the believers in Christ, as long as Christ’s life flows into them, as they remain or abide in Him. The conditions by which we remain in Christ are: (a) Keeping God's word continually in our hearts and minds and making it the guide which form our actions (Jn.15:7). (b) Maintaining the habit of constant intimate communion with Christ in order to draw strength from Him (Jn.15:7). (c) Obeying His commands, remaining in love (Jn.15:10) and loving each other (Jn.15: 12, 17). (d) Keeping our lives clean through the word of God, resisting all sin and yielding to the Spirit's directives (Jn.15:3; 17:7; Rom.8:14; Gal.5:16-25; Eph.5:26; I Pet.l:22).


THE story has it that Sir Winston Churchill took three years getting through the eight grades because he had trouble learning English. It is somewhat ironic, that years later Oxford University asked him to address its commencement exercises!

He arrived for the event with his usual props a cigar, a cane, and a top hat. As he approached the podium, the crowd rose in appreciative applause .With great dignity, Churchill settled the crowed as he stood confidently before his admirers. He then removed the cigar and carefully placed his top hat on the lectern.
Looking directly at the eager audience and with authority ringing in his voice, he cried, "Never give up!" several seconds passed. He rose to his toes and shouted again, "Never give up!" His words thundered across the audience. There was profound silence as Churchill then reached for his hat and cigar, steadied himself with his cane, and left the platform. His address was finished. Churchill's six word commencement address was no doubt the shortest and most eloquent address ever given at Oxford. But his message was also one every person present remembered all the days of their lives. A young mother was trying to give liquid medicine to her two-year-old son. The child would not cooperate. He would shut his mouth tightly, shake his head from side to side, and hit at the spoon with both hands.

The young mother coaxed, she pleaded, she threatened, she bribed, to no avail. He would not take his medicine! Finally, worn down, the young mother gave into self-pity. She threw down the spoon, fled into her room, and fell across the bed, sobbing. In a few minutes, she heard loud laughter coming from the kitchen. Curious, she went to investigate and found that Grandmother had solved the problem. She had mixed the medicine with orange juice, put it in a water pistol, and was shooting it into the wide open mouth of the delighted little boy!

A professor once tested his medical class about a medical situation an ethical problem. "Here's the family history: the father has syphilis. The mother has TB. They already have four children. The first is blind. The second had died. The third is deaf. The fourth has TB. Now the mother is pregnant again. The parents come to you for advice. They are willing to have an abortion, if you decide they should. What do you say?" The students gave various individual opinions, and then the professor asked them to break into small groups for "consultation". All of the groups came back to report that they would recommend abortion. "Congratulations," the professor said, "You just took the life of Beethoven!" What is it you are going through? Someone would have gone through the same road and came out tops.


I am not such a sport freak, but thank God, that from some proddings and jests from my friends, I was encouraged to watch the Germany 2006 FIFA World Cup tournament. The football match was between Japan and Australia. The date was Monday 12th June 2006. (That was the anniversary of the MKO Abiola and Babangida June 12 annulment saga).

Like every other football match, everything was in place, and the match kicked off. By the time they came to half time, Japan was leading with a loan goal.

But by the time the second half began, and they are playing into the 84th minute, the table turned, and Australia equalized.

When it was 89th minute, Australia scored the second goal, and it was unbelievable. As if that was not enough, by the time it was 92nd minute, Australia scored the third goal.

Hurray! Australia won the race. The ovation in the stadium was so loud that it took the grace of God and the strong pillars of the magnificent stadium to sustain it from collapsing. What a great bounce back you will say.
No wonder, one wise man said; "the most unreasonable award of score is at half time". So, what is the lesson that I want us to leave from this story? The lesson is this, nobody is a write off, secondly anyone can bounce back, thirdly, no situation is hopeless, and fourthly, whenever you win, the world will celebrate you.

Let me tell you, tremendous success awaits you in the near future if you will not allow the petty failures of today to kill your morale to move forward.

As I am communicating with you now, I have good numbers of friends who were complete write offs in their family but who are a point to reckon with in their family today.

Even myself, I am a living proof. I am not saying that I have all the money in the bank, but God has helped me to break a lot records among my brethren.

My dear reader, my admonition to you is this, don't give up no matter what the world is saying or thinking about you. The only thing that should dominate your mind all the time is; "What are you going to do to I improve the lives of people around you and how are you going to make legitimate income marketing such thing?"
And let me remind you, some people, when God wants to bless them in Ibadan, they may have to be disgraced out of Lagos, Nigeria.

Let me tell you some practical examples, when God wanted to bless Joseph in Egypt, he was disgraced out of his father's domain.

When God wanted to bless Jesus with an unbeatable fame, he was publicly disgraced on the cross. When God wanted to bless Mandela with wealth and fame, he was unjustifiably thrown into jail.
And when God wanted to bless me as a person in his own business, I resigned out of frustration from my previous place of employment.

My dear friend and fan, please don't allow what you are going through to affect where you are going to. The prize of life is not always given to people at the beginning of the race; it is always awarded at the end of the race.

I would have loved to tell you more on this, but the space is small, but notwithstanding, let's manage it so. Let us use what we have to get what we want. Although, for those who can afford to go the extra mile to better their lives, I have put some helpful resources together in my website which is always at the end of this write up, visit it. See you at the top.